SFD Super Index by Sara Gray

Some of you may remember Sara Gray (www.sewtogether.net) indexed the entire SFD fitting system and resources about 2 years ago. And of course, when we released the 2015 versions of each of the kits and instruction books, I asked Sara if she would be able to update the Super Index for you.

Sara very recently, found time amongst her many other business projects to do this for all of you.  She has once again used a spreadsheet (Excel), categorized, labeled and numbered every little piece of information and the design instructions found within the new SFD kits and books.  The front cover (Page 1) still looks similar, though one more useful EASE KEY has been added.  All you need to do is click here - http://www.sfdlearningcenter.com/FreeStuff.html to obtain the latest version of the SFD Super Index.  Just scroll down the page and you'll find both the 'old' as well as current Super Index.  The original index has been left on the website for the benefit of all our customers prior to March 2015 when the latest editions were released.

Here's what the new looks like:

For those of you reading this blog for the first time, who perhaps don't yet have this valuable SFD resource, this is just like trying to find a recipe.  You want Potato Salad - you go to the index and look up 'Salads' then follow alphabetically until you get to the 'P's'.  Your cook book either has a recipe for Potato Salad or not.

It's basically the same with the SFD Super Index (Sara's great name).  As an example: if you want to design and sew Yoga pants, you go to the general category 'Pants' then go alphabetically to 'Yoga'.  the Index tells you what resource to look in - in this case you'd go to the designing book - Pants that Mix n Multiply page 14.  If you want information on adding pleats to a skirt, go to 'Skirts', then to 'Pleated' and you'll see all the options available.

So here it is again and well worth your time to download this Index.  This really is a fabulous resource that is completely indexed and categorized for your easy reference.  There's a Color Key, Source Key, Info Key and now Ease Key, which Sara explains on page 1.

So if you haven't already downloaded your complimentary copy, just go to Free Stuff in the Learning Center and scroll on down to get your Super Index.  It will take the guesswork out of trying to find something you may just be looking for.

As my way of thanking Sara for her much-appreciated effort, I'd like to let you know about her newest available sewing project - the Tablet Prop-or-Go Pack-Prop-Protect project, which I believe is now a Craftsy project.  Please click here for the direct link to her Craftsy class.

P.S.  And while your at it, if you feel so inclined, take a moment to send Sara an email thanking her for diligence in producing this index and in sharing it with you. sara@sewtogether.net

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

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