A Day in the Life of...SFD

I thought you might be interested in a photo story and seeing the kinds of activities that go on behind the scenes in the SFD studio and office.
As most of you know, we spent the beginning of 2015 giving the SFD Kits a total face-lift and at the same time, the Introductory How-To DVD was updated requiring all new models and video demos.  The final 2-DVD set ended up being 3 hr. 45 min. long. 
Here's a look at how we kept extremely busy during the first part of 2015 in an effort to bring you the latest and best of Sure-Fit Designs.

 Lisa was our new measurement model for the Dress, Pants and Shirt segments of the How-To DVD.

 The set looks like this, with lighting and camera equipment everywhere.  Thank goodness Wes, my husband and videographer, knows what he's doing.

At the end of a very success shoot, we were all smiles and happy that it went so well.

Wes and I then went on to film the individual lessons.  This photo was taken during the Dress Kit pattern demo.
Here I'm showing you a new Pants Leg Styles visual where you can see all the distinctive leg styles for pants designing.

And while were doing all the video shooting, here's Kelly, my office assistant and right-hand 'man', wrapping orders that go everywhere in the world.
Without Kelly, the extra things I do, like writing blogs and creating Fashion Leaflets, would come to a grinding halt.  I'm sincerely grateful to have her assist us in many different office functions.
One more tidbit that you should be aware of, is that no DVD product leaves our office without first being checked from beginning to end.  We want only top-notch functioning products to arrive on your doorstep.

Whew! Now that the video segments are shot, I don my editor's hat and begin the editing process.
It's quite a process to go through, but fortunately we all enjoy each step along the way.  I love technology and all the capabilities we can achieve.  As I mentioned above, this new How-To DVD ended up being 3 hr and 45 minutes long.  It was a lot of editing and I'm glad it's done.  I hope you enjoy the end result.

And...occasionally I get to sew!  I'm having withdrawals right now.  Though this week I have 5 lovely ladies from far and distant states in the US, a couple of Oregonians, and one attendee from Australia who are at the SFD Fit & Sew Retreat.  I promise myself - after this I'll begin a new sewing project.

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

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