Oct 2014 Fit & Sew Retreat Photo story

What a wonderful way to end the 2014 Fit & Sew Retreat schedule...with 5 lovely ladies!
The 6 days flew by and a lot of fitting and sewing happened in Our Sewing Room (the Studio where I teach these workshops).
Everyone had their personal space, meaning high cutting table, sewing machine and any tool or piece of equipment required.  I feel very fortunate to have this studio so close and so well-equipped.

As many of you know, we begin with pants fitting/testing and sewing from Sunday through Tuesday.  Then end the 6 days with bodice fitting/testing and sewing from Wednesday through Friday.  Each attendee had their own unique fitting issues, but each one of them went home with well-fitting patterns and projects (almost) totally completed.  They were an amazing group of ladies.

Here's some photo highlights of the Retreat.  To see all the photos, please click here - Oct 2014 Fit & Sew Retreat.

Perhaps you'd like to join me next year.  Watch for 2015 dates both on the website Sure-Fit Designs and in a forthcoming newsletter.  And if you'd like to see a few more photos from this past retreat, please click here - Oct 2014 Fit & Sew Retreat.

Happy fitting & sewing!
Glenda...the Good Stitch!

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